Dave has just finished the second tatting shuttle of our new Grizzly Mountain Arts signature line, "Oregon Cascades", that was designed exclusively for our Etsy.com shop.
This 2 5/8 inch post style tatting shuttle was handcrafted from Oregon myrtlewood and has been burn etched with our Oregon Cascade logo. This shuttle has been signed and numbered by Dave.
While Dave will continue to make different tatting shuttles out of a variety of materials, GMA has selected Oregon Myrtlewood with Oregon Cascade logo for its sequence numbered signature tatting shuttles. What else could be more fitting than a tatting shuttle made in Oregon on Grizzly Mountain out of famous Oregon Myrtlewood?
If you would like to view or purchase this shuttle, please click the link below.
Oregon Cascades Myrtlewood Tatting Shuttle at Etsy.com