By now, everyone knows the various mediums Dave works in, but most of what you've seen from me has been jewelry. I had mentioned to Clyde, that I had several projects that I had been working on for years, not because they are necessarily complex, but rather due to my short attention span problem :) I thought if I posted one of them on the blog, that might prompt me to finish it.....we'll see.
This piece is called "She Swims Towards the Sun". The female walrus is represented in fossil walrus ivory shards and the rest of the rocks are treasures I found while living on Nye Beach, with the exception of the blue rocks which are chrysicolla from Arizona. The mosaic portion of this piece is complete, but the wooden tray it is on, is not. I wanted this piece to be functional, but now I can't decide how I want to finish the wood. To be perfectly honest, I think I'm just stalling because I'm afraid once it's completed and I put it out for the public to buy, they'll just look at it and think, "Why in the hell did she glue all those rocks on a tray?" :)